Million Minutes Interns

Million Minutes has been growing and growing since it launched and has recently taken on two interns who are keen to do all they can for youth dignity. Christine Sterlini and Chris Knowles (pictured below) have experience working with young people before, Christine volunteering at Manzini Youth Care, an orphanage in Swaziland and Chris at Savio House, a Salesian Retreat Centre near Macclesfield.

Christine, who has recently returned from her stint volunteering with overseas volunteer organization BOVA said that “it is really exciting being able to be part of such a great new venture”, “I was really keen to do something for young people on returning from Swaziland, and this has been a great opportunity”. Chris who currently finishing his Christian Theology MA at Heythrop College said that “Million Minutes is a great idea at a time when the young can easily get forgotten, I would urge anyone interested in helping the young of today to get involved”.

Head over to the Get Involved page to see what you can do!