Angeline Umba

Angeline, 18, started a project to raise awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) at Holy Cross College. FGM is an issue unknown to many teenagers, and yet there are up to 60,000 young girls under the age of 15 at risk of undergoing this harmful procedure. Her intention was to enable students to separate myth from fact.

Angeline organised a creative writing and drawing competition for a poetry book about FGM, to be presented at a conference in London. By allowing students to use their creativity Angeline hoped it would give them the opportunity to use their talents for the thousands of young girls suffering from FGM and ultimately create a piece of work which shows support for the women who have undergone the procedure.

To prepare students Angeline led a discussion about the affects of FGM not only the young women and girls in Africa but in Britain as well. Angeline’s event raised awareness of FGM so that others would be encouraged get involved. It was so inspirational that the college’s pastoral manager has arranged cross-college training on FGM for all pastoral tutors - Angeline’s project will have a legacy.

Angeline is a proactive student and needed very little support from staff, other than the logistics of rooming and advertising her competition. Her seminar was so inspiring that the R.E. department invited Angeline into R.E. lessons to present to her peers and the college’s pastoral manager has arranged cross-college training on FGM for all pastoral tutors.

What they said: “Angeline’s work has been so inspiring” – Ellen Tench, RE teacher