Flavia Sofia Bernardo Matos

Flavia, 19, studies at St Francis Xavier Sixth Form College in Clapham. After noticing the adverse impact Stop & Search had on community relations, Flavia instigated a campaign to raise awareness of young people’s Stop & Search rights.

At the same time, Flavia also began volunteering as a receptionist at her local Portuguese Speakers’ Community Centre. In this role, which she does each and every Monday, Flavia supports those struggling socially and financially by translating correspondence, making appointments and mediating with the authorities on behalf of the clients.

Flavia has spent time getting to know many elderly and vulnerable members of the community. As last Christmas approached, Flavia was concerned that many of them would spend the holiday alone. She decided to organise a Christmas Eve dinner and, making hand-made cards for every guest, she arranged for centre staff to help out and supply the food.

Taking up issues further from Clapham, Flavia got involved in the brilliant For The Love Of campaign on climate. Joining fellow students, she lobbied her MP in Parliament on the topic. In February Flavia took part in a national Model UN conference where she presented a resolution calling for a humane response to the migrant crisis.

Flavia has been a steadfast member of the college Chaplaincy Team, contributing to liturgies, fundraising drives, and fostering her college community. Flavia is a natural leader and – informed by her Catholic faith – understands the significance of collaboration to achieve goals and build better communities.

What they said: “Flavia is driven by a desire to improve the situation of others” - Claire Colleran, College Chaplain