Sam Abraham

Now in Year 12, Sam’s spent a year communicating to others about climate change as a CAFOD Climate Blogger at All Saints Catholic High School, Sheffield. Sam’s spoken up for Creation using her digital platform, challenging politicians to do more for the climate. She’s engaged with the great and the good face to face too, including veteran MPs Eric Pickles and Ed Milliband.

And closer to home, Sam’s invited the school's local MP, Louise Haigh, to face the students so that she could be interviewed on climate change. Sam isn’t afraid to speak truth to power. “If I stand up for justice, it’s like I’m staning with them while they work hard to change things – I want to be part of that,” she says.

Sam’s care for Creation is local too. She ran a 2 week community project focused on her naighbourhood to clear all the graffiti up – to the delight of local residents. Anyone who knows Sam also knows that she’s also got a fantastic sense of humour, and a strong faith. And she’s not afriafd to share both of them with those she meets.

This month Sam heads to World Youth Day and will speak about her work at an event organised by the Global Catholic Climate Movement, inspiring others across the world.

What they said: “Sam is not afraid to let herself be heard and speak out for those less fortunate than us” - Bernadette Healy - Chaplaincy Coordinator