Looking ahead to 2019


It`s crazy to think that a little over 4 months ago I arrived and started this job, it’s been a whirlwind of a few months and I am finally getting settled into my role as Engagement Officer. Its been great to meet and travel across London hosting workshops, talks and stalls and networking with all the amazing people we come across. Since I started at Million Minutes, we have employed our latest colleague Sophie Aulton. It`s been wonderful working alongside side her and Tadz in Romero House, Sophie has been a real asset to the team and I have immensely enjoyed having her as my team mate as we attend various events together.

As we look forward to the new year, I am really excited to get siLENT going. Its been great to see individuals, schools, parishes and organisations interested and engaged with Million Minutes. And to have them signed up already onto our siLENT 40 Calendar for 2019 is amazing!

As January approaches I can’t wait to hit the ground running and get as many people possible involved over the coming Lenten season. To those reading this I look forward to working and meeting with you soon, and I wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year. And to all our friends thank you for your support over the last coming months.

 If you are at all interested in siLENT please have a look at our webpage and resources. You can sign up today by going online at: www.millionminutes.org/silent/.

Become a featured participant on our siLENT 40 calendar. Get involved: http://millionminutes.org/silent40

By Kate Eastmond