Zoom youth sessions

Over the last 12 months, I have been lucky to run 2-3 youth clubs online a week with an amazing team of volunteers. Safe to say I have a love-hate relationship with Zoom now! But I wanted to share some zoom session ideas that are easy to try for your youth groups. I have split them into 3 different groups, “All about the fun”, “Educational” and “Spiritual development”. If you have your own ideas add them in the comments below!

All about the fun:

1.       “Dan’s Quirky Quiz”

We have all been on quizzes over Zoom during lockdown, but I loved to go past the traditional question and answer. Instead, I focus on making “quirky fun and creative rounds”. For example, in one quiz the young people were asked to make up a sea shanty. In another quiz, raps were made to the soundtrack of SpongeBob SquarePants. Anything fun that is a little different I have found to be popular! These quizzes became so popular, I ended up running for all family, weekly they can have anything up to 20 or so families a week!

2.       Games nights

Around once a month I run a simple games night. Here I ask the young people to plan games for the whole group, although the often favorites are:

·       Pictionary (simply share a whiteboard screen and take it in turns to draw on it),

·       Scattergories, this is an easy to plan game with a group, the following website is great for facilitating the game: https://scattergoriesonline.net/

·       Two truths one lie, the classic game, very easy to play online!

·       Scavenger hunt, give a simple list of 10-20 items which can be found around the house, see who can find them all first

· One-word stories, each person says one word taking turns to make a story

3.       Your area has talent!

A simple talent show is incredibly easy to run online, I found it was a great way for young people to be proud of their skills they don’t often get to share.


1.       Debate nights

A simple idea, come along and debate two different views. For instance, in our youth group, we had members debate over the Black Lives Matter movement, how Churches should respond to the LGBTQIA+ community etc.

2.       Minecraft nights

If you have the skills to play Minecraft it can be a great online experience in playing games together, but it also allows the youth group to learn about history (by building ancient objects together), the Bible (by recreating biblical stories), and how to work as a team.

3.       Home arts and crafts

If people live in the local area you can drop arts and crafts equipment off at the young people’s houses, then together lead an arts and crafts activity together. I have heard baking works great like this too!

4.       Guest Speakers

Guest speakers are always great. With the internet being so accessible, it’s easier than ever to have someone from the other side of the world giving a talk to your youth group. Take advantage of this!

Spiritual development:

1.       Bible study sessions

Bible study does feel a little odd online but it is very easy to adapt to be virtual. I have found it to be great fun to ask young people to act our Bible stories etc, then we can share the biblical story, etc.

2.       Youth Alpha

The Alpha program is a very simple program where as a group you watch a video, then talk about different views and opinions. Online it really is that simple! But it is a great program to encourage the young people to think about their own views and opinions while reflecting on the bigger questions in life. It is the most simple and resourced program I have run over Zoom: https://www.alpha.org/youth/

3.       Sycamore

I personally have not used the Sycamore program just yet, however many of my friends have and report how great it is. It is another program to explore the bigger questions in life.

What is the key?

The most helpful bit of advice I can give right now, is just have fun. It sounds so simple, but there are so many pressures in the world. We are all being challenged in a new virtual youth work world, but it is something we can enjoy. It is a time to try new things and use our creativity to support young people in new ways. All good youth work is centered in the relationship, focus on that and enjoy the journey of accompaniment into this new world together.
