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God created human beings not to live independently, but in communities. We are social, in need of company in the form of families and communities. Communities enable children and young people to learn. The social interaction allows for the passing on of the wisdom of previous generations, and socially educating them on living and participating as a group. We all have a responsibility to one another to work together for the common good of everyone in the communities we live in, although this common good is not just the total of each persons need. The idea is that everyone should contribute to the community, using their God given talents, to improve the community as a whole. By doing this, everyone is able to reach their full potential, helped along, and encouraged by the people around them.

It is very important to remember that everyone is made in the image and likeness of God, they have human dignity. As a result, every individual has a right to participate in community, no matter their intellect, social status or financial situation. Currently, in many societies, how well people are treated depends on these things. Many people’s worth is measured by what they can contribute to society. In fact, Catholic social teaching says we should respect and accept every single person no matter what. Each person deserves our respect as it is a gift from God, not something that needs to be earned.

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Each person is called to live in community with one another. However this cannot be a passive status. Each person is called to participate in the community, not just by using their talents, but also maintaining the integrity of the society. Voting, holding leaders to account, and safeguarding the most vulnerable members of the society are vital aspects of participating in the community that we live in.

Little Sister Magdeleine of Jesus, founder of the Little Sisters of Jesus, believed that life out in the wider community is essential in order to be a witness to the love of Jesus, and to be a meeting place for everyone; workers, employers, Christians, Muslims creating a loving community for all. In a note to Pope Pius XII, Sr Magdeleine stated that the communities of the Little Sisters of Jesus must “not be set apart but live intimately mingled in with the mass of humankind like leaven in the dough. That we may make ourselves all things to all people, Arabs in the midst of Arabs, nomads in the midst of nomads. That we may take on their language, their customs, and even their way of thinking.” By accepting that every person is created in God’s image, and loving them so, communities with no barriers can be forged.

2015 marked a year that made history. This was the first year that every single county on the planet consented to allow women to vote. Fifteen years earlier, 6 countries still had not allowed women to vote. However, despite this being a step forward for women there are still restrictive social and cultural laws in some countries meaning that it is harder for women to vote. In some countries women are not allowed to be seen in public when pregnant, in other places women have to be given permission from a husband or guardian to leave the house, so if they didn’t want them to vote, the women would not be allowed. These scenarios show that despite being a world of equal people, the reality is that a lot of women are unable to participate fully in the communities that they live in, and have their voice heard.

What can you do?
-If you can, vote! Participate in your community by having your say on who leads your country and represents your local area.
-Speak to your local MP, talk to them about the realities of people in your locality.
-Do you know any lonely people? How can you include them in activities in your local area?
-Can you visit people in your local care home or hospital to ensure they don’t feel isolated?
-Do you have a passion for something you could share with others? Get together with people in your local area and share your talents with them.
-Care about your local environment, get together with others to help clean your area and make it a pleasant place to live.
-Educate yourself on the world you live in. Where are communities strong, what can you learn from them?
-Get some ideas for action from our CST page on building community, being sure you pledge your action here.


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