Our destruction of the earth for quick gain has repercussions for animals, for ourselves now and for generations to come. We need to treat the earth with respect. We each have to do our part to care for our common home. It takes each of our efforts working together in community to create a better world for all.

Want to know more? Have a look at our CST info page on
caring for our planet.


IDEA: Start litter picking in your local community

Map out a route around your community, gather a trash bag and gloves, ask a friend to join you.

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IDEA: Start a parish or community garden

Research what material you might need, see how your local community could help you. Is there space in your existing garden or local allotment? Pick out the vegetables/fruit you want to plant, buy the products you need, and get digging.

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IDEA: Start a project in your school to reduce plastic consumption/food waste/water consumption

Passionate about caring for the earth? Bring up the issue during an Eco Commitee meeting or bring it to the attention of your school council. Discuss how you as an individual or as a group can tackle it. Brainstorm and commit to action.

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Recycling image.JPG

IDEA: Set up a recycling scheme

Look at what key materials you already throw away, research where your local recycling services are, encourage others to join you, create posters, lead by example.

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IDEA: How can you better educate those around you about the effects of the environment, and campaign for fairer solutions?

Start researching, then do some mind mapping and use our social action plan to break your idea(s) down. You can always join in with existing actions and campaigns too! Our social action plan can be found at the back of the Million Minutes of Change pack. Click here to download

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IDEA: Set up an eco-warriors’ group in your local school or parish

How could you work with your peers/local community to make our world a better place? Gather like-minded, passionate people together, gather ideas and implement your actions (e.g: creating a community garden, reducing litter and recycling waste) and create a community of change. Start today!

Pledge your action now

In need of more inspiration? Why not…

  • Design and create your own social action project here.

  • Help change the world by standing up for voiceless young people in Lent 2020. Join siLENT. Find out more here.