Ideas of ways you can accompany young people now, in the context of Covid-19:
Hold an online retreat - things that work well include: a late start, use of small groups, creation of polls and breakout rooms on zoom, pub quizzes
Move your youth clubs online you could host a pub quiz, talent show, silent disco etc
Hold a virtual tea/coffee session
Focus on a scripture reading and get your young people to create an image from the scripture using their Lego pieces (this works well especially for the younger years)
Open up an online space that your Alter Servers can attend after your virtual live streamed mass
Provide links to virtual masses and prayers in the UK and masses in different languages to your young people whether it’s something happening locally, as a diocese, or internationally! - More opportunities exist than ever before!
Send a daily encouraging email message – this could be anything from a quote to an action to take during the week - personal touch, fidelity in uncertainty.
Set up a Google classroom with key groups ie regular Lunchtime mass/chaplain groups - virtual journeying together.
Give your young people the option to send in prayer requests
Reach out to your young people – email them let them know you are there for them
Use Kahoot to engage the young in quizzes etc:
Baking as a form of connection with the young - use hashtags to see what people are creating on Twitter
Hold a virtual assembly - include bidding prayers
The CYMFed Faith in Action Award is encouraging young people to think outside the box in how they serve to earn credits towards their Faith in Action Award. A download is available for registered users of the Faith in Action Award website here:
Encourage them to create a prayer wall through the app Padlet
Hold images of the cross/Christ to the camera - invite participants to share their thoughts and questions
Record the accounts of your young people, ask them “What is happening in your life now?” “Where is God to be found in this?”
Speak their language, connect with young people’s parents - for most young people the only time they experience Church is in school settings
Meet them where they are at - What online tools are they already using that they connect with? E.g Insightful YouTube videos. Use those tools to engage with them
Use sport, art, fundraising, baking etc as a tool to connect
Let us know how you get on by tweeting or contacting us!