Celebrating Young People: Revival


Celebrating Young People: Revival is a 6-step project centred on listening to the voices of young people, responding to them, empowering and celebrating them.

The project gives schools flexible resources to use with young people (aged 11 -18). Resources are reviewed and updated with support from our schools advisory team and are designed to meet criteria outlined in the CSI Framework, specifically the areas of Catholic Life and Mission and Collective Worship.


At Million Minutes we strive to put the voices of young people at the heart of dialogue that drives change in society. 

We know that the voices of young people are at-risk of being unheard in several spaces across society, and we believe that Catholic communities are well placed to amplify the voices young of people.  

Through CYP Revival we want to inspire and empower young people to create change in their communities supported by their Catholic communities. 

We want to equip the Church to have a greater understanding of the lived realities of young people and support young people to be agents of change. 

Six Steps of Revival


CYP Revival begins with a ‘Pupil Audit’. This enables us to gain a broad understanding of the groups that we are working with through the capture of pupil voice. We share this data directly with the schools we work with and continue to tailor resources through the year and identify collaborators to work to ensure our content is relevant. E.g. This year we have worked closely with Pax Christi to deliver CYPR throughout the year, as the theme of ‘War and Conflict’ ranked highly in 23/24’s pupil audit.


This resource explores Catholic Social Teaching (CST) helps students to understand what Catholic Social Teaching is and how it can be put into practice. The resource encourages students to think about why CST is important and its role in the life of the Church and them as young people.


The Power of Prayer workshop gives young people the opportunity to learn about prayer and why we pray for the needs of others, as well as giving them a chance to share their own intentions. This step will help encourage young leaders as they grow in their conviction to build a fairer world. It will also help students become more assured of their own wisdom and agency.


The Stories of Leadership session is a video resource created inspire thoughts and reflection on experiences of leadership and agency. Pupils will hear from a range of young leaders, sharing their lived experiences and perspectives on youth leadership. By engaging young people into these conversations of leadership, this step in the CYP Revival informs them of the importance of authentic and honest leadership and the dialogue that surrounds it. 


This is a pre-event creative assignment inviting young people create a piece of work to encourage young people to be agents of change and leaders within the community. Schools will be encouraged to bring (some of) these assignments along to the Revival event.


This is our summer Revival event, it is an invitation to all participating schools to celebrate all they have done during the programme. Young people will get the chance to hear from inspiring speakers, selected based on the themes from the pupil audit and to share their ideas and messages to encourage peer leadership. There will be opportunities to connect with organisations who work on the issues that they have identified. Young people will be encouraged to continue their youth leadership journey and will be presented with opportunities for further involvement with us and our collaborators.


  • After much consideration and taking on feedback, we are running Celebrating Young People: Revival in place of the previous CYP Awards. If you are looking for a specific awards scheme, please look at CYMFed’s Faith in Action Award, or the Pope John Paul II Award

  • Through CYP: Revival, we are providing a platform for young people in schools to express their hopes for change in communities; and supporting and developing their skills, knowledge and confidence throughout a 10-month journey.

    In this time, Million Minutes will continue to celebrate young people by sharing their stories with the Catholic community of England and Wales.

  • At the moment we are specifically engaging with students who are in secondary school/those aged 11-18. Any year group may participate, to give schools flexibility in choosing where this might fit best. Schools may also choose to enroll more than one year group. It is our hope that schools may see this as a project that they can participate in on an annual basis.

  • For the in-person summer event we recommend a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 young people per school.

    We may be able to accommodate smaller or larger groups but we would need advance notice for booking requirements.

    For project activities through the year we encourage you to engage with our resources more widely across your chosen participating year group/s.

  • Whilst we strongly encourage school groups to attend the large summer event, we do understand that timetables and budgets may not always be able accommodate this. Please get in touch with info@millionminutes.org and we will work with you to arrange an alternative event (in your own school).


School Resources

Million Minutes of Change


Use the Million Minutes of Change Resource pack with a group of young people to accompany young people to make a change. Let them know how valuable and important they are to you and to the Church, by inspiring them to join in creating a million minutes of social action. This engaging pack will help introduce guiding principles, enabling your group to explore concerns and inspire your young people to connect to a concrete social action plan.