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The Lord seeks all; he wants everyone to feel the warmth of his mercy and his love
— Christus Vivit 177

Pope Francis reminds us of the importance to take real time to accompany young people. He says that all young people are in God’s heart, and that therefore they must be in the heart of the Church. Taking time to accompany involves having a heart of mercy.

We are called to demonstrate God’s mercy in our journey with young people. We accompany young people with openness, free from judgment or our own pre-conceived agendas. We embrace young people from all walks of life and, whatever their experience, we remind them first and foremost that they are loved by God.

What this might looks like in practice:

  • Mapping your youth ministry and asking ‘Who are we really reaching?’ ‘Who are we welcoming?’. In this we recognise the gaps. In what ways are we implicitly excluding young people, perhaps those to whom we would be uncomfortable, or simply not know how to engage with them? Are there different demographics or overlooked and marginalised groups who we need to extend our love to and move beyond our judgements?

  • Approaching each young person with an open, non judging heart, full of love and mercy - they are all in God’s heart

  • Considering and celebrating the inherent God-given dignity of each young person, not their behaviours, characteristics, or past

  • Working with other ministries in the parish to develop outreach initiatives to show how the parish is loving to all young people - especially those who might not feel welcome, those experiencing hardship, or the alienated and marginalised.

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