“The language that young people understand is spoken by those who radiate life, by those who are there for them and with them.”
Pope Francis reminds us of the importance to take real time to accompany young people. He says that all young people are in God’s heart, and that therefore they must be in the heart of the Church. Taking time to accompany involves being in proximity with young people.
We need to encounter young people. That means to be close to them, to come alongside them, ‘shoulder to shoulder’. We should seek to be with them in the midst of their real lives, which can sometimes be messy, full of hurt, or broken. To offer healing requires us to draw near – proximity .
What this might look like in practice:
Moving outside of our ‘Church’ spaces, to priories spending time with young people in the midst of their reality. This might mean seeking ways to build trust with them, from simple beginnings, until you are ‘invited in’
Recognising, celebrating and encouraging other parishioners in their role as companions to young people - e.g. the trusted ‘go to’ mum, who all the young people turn to; the musician who engages and walks with younger members of the choir. How can they ‘extend’ their accompaniment skills?
Working with other groups in the parish (e.g. the SVP) to identify young people to build trust and relationships with
Be willing to be courageous and have trust, just being with young people, letting the Holy Spirit guide you together to new places
Loosening strict youth ministry schedules, taking time to allow young people to journey at their own pace without worrying
about strict time tablesInteracting with new young people. Are there young people you see regularly but never talk to?