Session 1 - What is Accompaniment?

Session 1 introduces Adventurous Accompaniment and details the different types of accompaniment that exist. We hear of examples of accompaniment from the Gospel, and a description of the programme as a whole.

This session may take between 45 - 60 minutes.


Session 2 - Expect the Holy Spirit

Session 2 starts with a “vox pop”, where we hear of diversities in belief and faith. We recap what was learnt in the last sessions too. Focusing on the Emmaus story (Gospel of Luke), we unpack the feelings associated with Sacred Moments whilst accompanying someone.

This session may take between 75 - 90 minutes.


Session 3 - Stand Aside

Session 3 features reflections on what it means to “stand aside” in times of accompaniment, as well as some practical tips for self awareness. The session may be set as a "‘homework’ session within small group.

This session may take 45 minutes when delivered in person.


Session 4 - Tune into the Divine

Session 4 begins with more vox pops, and an explanation of how to carry out the listening exercises prescribes for this sessions. Participants are asked to reflect on how they listen to others and what are the habits we can avoid when accompanying adventurously. The session would benefit from being held face-to-face.

This session will typically last no less than 90 minutes.


Session 5 - Gradualness & Human Flourishing

Session 5 talks of the need for patience and hope in the art of accompaniment. We reflect on the story of the rich young man in Mark’s Gospel, as well as discuss how to see movement towards human flourishing in the person that we are accompanying.

This session may last…


Session 6 - The Character of the Accompanier

Session 6, the final session, is all about the character of the accompanier. We discuss the virtues of the accompanier, and the sensitivities that an accompanier might have.

This session may last…


Supplementary Resources