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At a time were COVID-19 is still present and socially distancing is still in place, we can still find moments in our days to speak up for our young people, whether that be through joining our Lenten initiative siLENT, keeping them in your thoughts and prayers or delving deeper into some of our online resources. Find out (below) how you can SPEAK UP for your young people in 2022.

Finding silence in times of social distancing. View our resources here.

Join us for SiLENT 2022 - In Lent 2022, Million Minutes will be inspiring people across the country to get sponsored to be silent. Our focus this year is to use silence for good. To find out more and to get involved check out our page here.

Explore the resource pack Complex Catholicism: The pack describes 12 ‘types’ or characters who symbolise major groups of young people and young adults (developed through a major piece of research). Picturing these young people - their preferences, hopes, aspirations, beliefs and behaviours - can be a really powerful way of extending your knowledge about the young people you’re already in contact with, and expanding your horizons to encompass those you’re not in touch with yet! Download the full Complex Catholicism Typology resource here.

Here are three ways to engage with the research:

  1. Look and talk about the typologies over a cup of tea (virtually) with someone you work alongside, and/or your parish priest. Make use of the suggestions found in the centre pages. There are also more detailed suggestions of how to reflect on the typologies and work with a group in your parish here.

  2. If you are ‘on pause’ from preparing a group of young people for Confirmation at present, or having to cancel a retreat day or a Lourdes pilgrimage, take some time to consider the typologies. Have the typology diagram in front of you. Use it to consider your own ‘on hold’ group(s). Are there any young people you recognise? How would they appreciate your contact, prayer, support or creativity at this time. Think about what styles will help engage with different ‘types’ within your group. (Remember to maintain all safeguarding but practice - contact with parents’ consent and if ‘meeting’ online with young people under 18, ensure there are two adults with DBS in the online space).

  3. Finally, consider now how you could go out to the peripheries in the future. Be brave. Can you take the time to plan how you can talk to your young people, learn from one another, challenge and be challenged by them

Execute a listening survey (virtually): A listening survey is a way for yourself and members of your parish to create opportunities to engage with the young people in your local community. It’s an opportunity to learn from one another, to listen to their realities and challenges, and for you all to work together to make a lasting change in your local community. It means taking up Pope Francis`s challenge to go out to the peripheries - to be brave and to journey together. Find our listening survey here. Delve deeper with young people in your parish today.

Our Catholic social teaching resources can be found here.

PLEASE PLEDGE YOUR TIME DEDICATED TO YOUNG PEOPLE: Tell us about the time you take to understand and accompany your young people - pledge your time here.
