Encounters at Courtyard

My first month at Million Minutes has gone so fast! I love working in our small but very energetic team comprising of Kate, Tadz and Danny. I have been able to meet volunteers and young people as well as plan engagements events and facilitate workshops. In this time, I have learnt so much about the positive effect that detached youth work can have on young people. Just chatting to young people can make a huge difference. You may be the only person to have spoken to that young person today that hasn’t tried to tell them off or said something negative to them (as often happens in schools to young people who are ‘on the edge’). Our encounters allow us to bring something positive to their day. Building up relationships with young people can really help boost their self-confidence and make them realise they are valuable human beings with so much to offer.

I have also had the opportunity to meet many volunteers, all with different, yet inspirational motives for wanting to help with the Courtyard project. Some are parents themselves or have worked with young people in the past, aware of the hardships that young people experience every day, and others are just compassionate beyond belief, wanting to help others in any way they can. The creativity, drive and compassion they bring to the team is astounding. They will be truly able to bring something to the young people they encounter, accompanying them wherever they want to go.

In the coming weeks I am eager to carryout the events that we have planned to engage more people in Enfield. I am looking forward to meeting new people and telling them about the potential that Courtyard has and seeing how they can bring their own qualities to the teams they will be working with.

December Courtyard events:

  • ‘Pizza Fuelled Purpose’, youth chat & pizza, - Wed 5th Dec eve

  • Courtyard Coffee Morning’, Enfield Film, questions, cuppas and pastries – Sat 8th Dec morn

  • You Know Who?!, Enfield Edition, enjoyable mapping event to find young people, volunteers and community links – Wed 12th Dec eve. (flyer below)

  • ‘Streets walk’ learn how we observe our area and groups of young people (observe only, no chatting) – flexible, or - Thurs 13th Dec eve after Parish Rosary

January event:

Offering Hope-Two opportunities to attend conversations around the nuts and bolts of good youth work projects. For more details and to register: millionminutes.eventbrite.co.uk

Additionally, if you would like to find out more about Courtyard then check out our website by visiting: https://courtyardproject.org.uk/

By Sophie Aulton (Courtyard London Worker)



Youth charity picks up challenge of Youth Synod

Stay silent for a change in solidarity with young people

The Synod on youth, which came to a close in Rome at the weekend, has called on the whole Church to accompany young people, including those who are most vulnerable in life. The Synod Bishops concluded with a message to young people declaring that the Church “does not abandon you” and “is ready to accompany you on new roads”.

Bishop Ralph Heskett, who attended the Synod as the ‘bishop for youth’ from England and Wales explained:

“At the end of the Synod, the Bishops called on the Church to accompany young people, including those who are excluded. We’re being invited to ‘stand bravely’ by their side, together discovering how all young people can live with dignity and supporting them to play their part in building today’s world.”

Million Minutes is inviting people to sign up now to use their ‘siLENT’ initiative as an opportunity to respond to this call. During Lent 2019 people are asked to take time to ‘stay silent for a change’ in solidarity with young people who are excluded, for whom silence in society isn’t a choice. Each minute is sponsored to raise money to support projects that accompany young people to change their lives and their local communities through projects that are based on Catholic social teaching.

Bishop Ralph added:

“I’ll be joining siLENT. It’s a great opportunity to be in solidarity with young people and to raise support for them”.

Sarah Burrows, a young adult from London, took part in the Synod preparation meeting in Rome involving over 300 young people from across the world. She says

“I’ll be staying silent in Lent as I see the need turn the Synod vision into a reality. We must seek ways to accompany young people and to enable them to help transform society.”

Joe Beatie, Coordinator of Walsingham House youth retreat center in Brentwood Diocese said:

“As a youth minister, every day I meet the young people that the Synod calls us to accompany. I see their absolute joy and I see the struggles they continuously face. They have so much to share with us and we can learn so much from them, but they need the space to be heard. I look forward to joining siLENT in solidarity with them. I will be speaking up with my silence and helping to raise money to give young people a platform and a voice”.

The money raised from siLENT will help people like Andre. At 16 Andre was isolated from lessons at school due to his behavioural difficulties. Lonely and frustrated Andre was given a second chance when volunteers from the local parish (funded by Million Minutes) encouraged Andre and accompanied him to help out at his local primary school. During the year his confidence grew so much that he built relationships with young people in his local neighbourhood. Knowing what being isolated felt like, he saw opportunities to include others, like supporting a child using a wheelchair to take part in a basketball game with his peers.  “I feel empowered,” he said. Andre overcame his own difficulties to use his voice to make a change for other young people.

Danny Curtin, CEO of Million Minutes, said

“Let’s speak up with silence. Sign up now for siLENT 2019. Instead of simply cutting out sugar or chocolate, take time to give up the things that fill life with noise and restlessness. By doing this you will not only allow time for silence, but your sponsorship will make a real difference to young people supporting the Church to accompany young people, especially those without a voice.”

Stay siLENT for a change. SIGN UP TODAY at: millionminutes.org/silent/.


2018 Caritas Festival

On Tuesday the 2nd of October Million Minutes was delighted to attend the 2018 Caritas Festival in Whitefield, Manchester.

Sr Judith setting up the afternoons activities

Sr Judith setting up the afternoons activities

Caritas Ambassadors from 22 schools across the Diocese took part in the day`s event. The day provided an excellent opportunity for the young people to interact and share with each other and hear about the amazing projects Primary and Secondary schools had been supporting throughout the year.

It was clear from the energy and enthusiasm in the room that the students loved the day. Highlights included the musical celebration in honor of the New Bishop`s Awards and the afternoon activities, which saw each school given the challenge of figuring out the Superhero behind the 14 Caritas charities present. This enabled the teachers and students to hear from the different charities and as a partner of the event, Million Minutes were able to share our story and network with the schools and organisations present.

Million Minutes was also provided with an opportunity to promote siLENT and our grants scheme. All in all, a great day was had by all.

Million Minutes X Caritas Salford Water Bottles

Million Minutes X Caritas Salford Water Bottles

Million Minutes stand at the event

Million Minutes stand at the event